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Wenn Sie in der Anstrengung setzen - und es gibt einige - werden Sie reichlich belohnt finanziell für Ihre time. quot Stanislaus P. quotIts die umfassendste Sportwetten-Kurs, um Ihnen die meisten Profitsquot Probettors Sportwetten Day Trading System quotAikidoquot Tun Sie Wollen wissen, wie ein neues Sportwetten-System Ihre Wetten ändern wird. Möchten Sie 100-200 von klarem Gewinn jährlichen Platzierung Wetten in Ihrer Freizeit verdienen. Möchten Sie eine Datenbank mit mehr als 100 Buchmachern kostenlos erhalten. Vielen Dank für Anfragen zu diesem Kurs ProBettors Day Trading Sportwetten System: Aikido. Die Kunst der Wertwetten, von denen Sie lernen, über die Konzeption und Geschichte des Systems, wird Antworten auf die meisten Ihrer Fragen über dieses System zu finden und erhalten eine Datenbank von 100 Buchmacher kostenlos. Bitte lesen Sie dieses Material sorgfältig durch. 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Derzeit arbeite ich als Marketingdirektor des ersten russischen Odds-Vergleichsdienstes livelines. ru und der Direktor der Association of Professional Handicappers namens RuNet (die Webzone der russisch sprechenden Menschen) bei procappers. ru. Nun, da Sie wissen mehr über mich und Sie haben ein besseres Verständnis, was der Name ProBettor bedeutet, können wir auf die anderen Worte im Titel des E-Buch zu bewegen :) Das zweite Wort - Day Trading - bedeutet, dass in Ihrem profitable Sportwetten Karrieren werden die meisten Ihrer Wetten platziert und in der Laufzeit von einem Tag berücksichtigt. In meinem E-Buch werde ich Ihnen beweisen, dass Sportwetten ein großer Bereich für Investitionen im Vergleich zu anderen Möglichkeiten der Investition ist und dass einer der Vorteile, die Sie bei dieser Art von Investitionen haben, ist die Fähigkeit, Ihre Ergebnisse von Tag zu Tag zu sehen. Das nächste Wort im Namen meines e-Buches ist System. Ich kann Ihnen sagen, dass, wenn Sie auf lange Sicht profitieren möchten, müssen Sie eine Methodik oder eine Art von System, weil jede unsystematische Wetten zusammenbrechen Ihre Bankroll und potenziell zerstören Ihr Leben (zumindest Ihre finanzielle Leben) Aber auch wenn Sie einige haben Art von System oder eine Art von Geld-Management können Sie auch pleite gehen. Alles, was ich sage ist, dass mit einer Art von System ist viel besser als unsystematische Wetten, aber das Problem ist, dass das System muss ein Sieger sein und es muss seinen Vorteil gegenüber der Buchmacher Linie auf lange Sicht zu beweisen. Das Aikido Sportwetten-System ist ein ungewöhnliches Beispiel für ein Sieger-System. Ich muss Ihnen erklären, was genau ein Gewinnsystem ist. Ein Winning-System ist das Wissen über bestimmte Regeln, die nach der Umsetzung in der Praxis können Sie für Sie bestimmte Einkommen innerhalb definierter Parameter zu generieren. Bei Sportwetten besteht ein Gewinnsystem aus mindestens zwei Hauptteilen: 1) Ein bewährter Vorteil über die Linie 2) Ein leistungsfähiges (oder optimales) Geldmanagement Das Aikido-System hat sich durch die Analyse von mehr als 7000 simulierten Wetten auf die Linie bewährt Europäischen Fußball, Tennis und anderen Sportarten (einschließlich US-Sport) auf der Grundlage einer starken internen Logik. Um nach Tausenden von Wetten ist ein tolles Ergebnis und es kann einfach nicht ein Zufall sein. Das größte daran ist, dass es bei echten Wetten fast dieselben Ergebnisse wie die simulierten Wetten gab. Berührung des Themas Geldmanagement, ein sehr wichtiger Teil der Sportwetten, können Sie sicher sein, dass das Aikido-System einen flachen Wettvorteil hat. Flache Wetten ist ein einfacher Weg, um jedes Finanzsystem zu testen, aber ich muss zugeben, dass es bei echten Einsätzen nicht immer die optimale Art der Wette ist. Es hat einige Nachteile und im System sehen Sie mehrere leistungsfähigere Geldmanagements (aber Sie sicherlich flache). Selbst sehr erfahrene Wettern machen Fehler bei der Einrichtung ihrer Geld-Management. Es bedeutet, dass diese erfahrenen Wettern (die einen flachen Vorteil haben über die Linie) sind zumindest mit weniger Gewinne, als sie mit dem gleichen Maß an Risiko gehabt haben und im schlimmsten Fall sogar verlieren. Mein Sieger-System adressiert die höchsten Anforderungen einer Siegermethode. Es hat sowohl einen Vorteil über die Linie (flach und mehr optimal) und mehrere leistungsstarke Geldmanagements (mit einem bestimmten empfohlen). Das nächste Wort im Titel ist Aikido. Warum habe ich dieses Wort Aikido ist eine Kampfkunst, wo Sie die Macht der Gegner, sie zu schlagen. Das ist der Geist des Aikido und seine vereinfachte Philosophie. Wenn es um Sportwetten geht, werden Sie mit diesem Systemwissen die Macht der Buchmacher (und anderer Quellen) nutzen, um den Buchmacher zu schlagen oder um Geld für Wetten zu gewinnen, wie zum Beispiel BetFair. Der Buchmacher ist ein ernster Gegner, der Jahr für Jahr Geld von den Taschen 98-99 aller Spieler entfernt. Sie wissen, ihre Kunst sehr gut Das ist, warum wir auf die Suche nach der Buchmacher Schwächen und Kapitalisierung auf sie klug konzentrieren Die einfache Philosophie des Aikido Sportwetten-System ist: Handicap der Buchmacher nicht der Sport Und schließlich die Kunst der Wert Wetten bedeutet, dass die einzige Weise, ein langfristiger Sieger zu sein ist, einen mathematischen Rand über der Linie zu haben oder einen Wert in der Wettterminologie zu haben. Viele Sportwettern betrachten Wertwetten als Wetten auf lange Quoten, aber das ist nur eine Vereinfachung. Sie werden Wetten auf lange Quoten und kurze Chancen zu machen. Was ist der Unterschied Das Wichtigste ist, einen mathematischen Vorteil auf die Wette (einen Wert) haben und die richtige Menge an Geld auf sie setzen. Speaking ehrlich gesagt, wenn ich gerade meine Forschung von Value-Wetten begann ich dachte, dass alles viel einfacher wäre, aber es isnt. Es ist eine Kunst in gewissem Sinne und Sie werden in der Lage sein, die Grundlagen dieser Kunst schnell, einfach und praktisch zu lernen, weil eine Menge Arbeit von mir gestellt wurde, um es so zu machen Jetzt werde ich Ihnen einige Informationen über die Grundlagen des Systems geben Und seine Geschichte der Schöpfung. Sie erhalten auch einen Link von wo aus Sie in der Lage, eine Datenbank von mehr als 100 Buchmacher kostenlos herunterladen werden Vor einigen Jahren habe ich nicht denken, dass Sportwetten ein Markt ist :). Ich dachte, dass Sportwetten eher wie eine Art von Casino-Spiel als ein Markt ist. So oder so, die Sache, die mich interessiert hat, war Arbitrage Wetten etwas, das zumindest in der Theorie garantiert Ihnen ein bestimmtes Einkommen ohne Risiko. Arbitrage Wetten (auch bekannt als Scalping oder Risiko frei wetten) ist ein klassisches Beispiel für null-Risiko profitiert von Sportwetten ohne Sport zu kennen. Für diejenigen unter Ihnen, die nicht wissen, wie dieses Phänomen funktioniert, werde ich Ihnen ein kurzes Beispiel geben: Lass uns sagen, Buchmacher 1 gibt einen Preis (oder Chancen) für Spieler 1 zu schlagen Spieler 2 und diese Chancen sind 2,1 oder (oder 110). Zur gleichen Zeit können Sie sehen, dass Buchmacher 2 bietet Chancen für Spieler 2 zu schlagen Spieler 1 auch bei 2,1 (oder 110). Wenn Sie 500 auf den ersten Spieler bei der ersten Sportwetten-Wette und 500 auf den zweiten Spieler am zweiten Sportwetten mit diesen Chancen (2,1 oder 110) nach dem Spiel vorbei ist, verlieren Sie eine Ihrer Wetten und gewinnen die anderen. Welches Ergebnis auch immer auftritt. Nach der Investition von insgesamt 1000 erhalten Sie eine 5002.11050 USD Payback, was bedeutet, dass Sie verdienen 50 USD aus diesem einen einfachen Prozess, die Sie in 1-2 Minuten tun können 5 klarer Gewinn von nur einem Glücksspiel, das Risiko frei klingt sehr faszinierend Zu mir und das ist, warum ich begann die Erforschung dieses Thema tiefer. Damals hatte ich einen Gedanken: Arbitrage ist eine Technik, die funktioniert und profitabel ist. Jeder kann etwas Geld damit nutzen, ohne den Sport selbst zu kennen. So möglicherweise gibt es andere Weisen, in den Sportwetten zu profitieren, indem sie die Verschiedenheit selbst analysierten und unter Verwendung der Unterschiede der Preise fing ich an, dieses Gebiet zu erforschen und auch einige zusätzliche Arbeit, die die Sportwettenindustrie analysierend. Ich fand einen Investor aus den USA, der meine Arbeit finanzierte und das ist, als ich eine Datenbank mit mehr als 100 Buchmachern erstellt habe. Wie ich versprochen habe, können Sie es kostenlos herunterladen, indem Sie diesen Link: Es ist eine alte Datenbank, aber Sie können es für Ihre eigenen Zwecke zu ändern und verwenden Sie es. Die Schaffung eines Systems, das nicht braucht Wissen über Sport und Gewinne aus dem Markt ist nicht so einfach eine Aufgabe, wie ich dachte, als ich begann seine viel härter, aber die Arbeit getan ist. Anfang Mai 2002 schuf ich das erste System und es bestand aus nur 50 Seiten. Es hieß Diana. Ich wollte den Vertrieb von ihm zu starten und sogar eine Web-Seite, sondern aus verschiedenen Gründen wurde es nicht veröffentlicht und ich weiter zu meiner eigenen Zeit und Kosten zu arbeiten. Anfang 2003, als ich mehr Informationen entdeckte, verwandelte sich das System in ein 180 Seiten umfassendes E-Book. Sicher war es viel besser als nur ein System würde ich sagen, 5 mal besser - aber von Schicksalshand diese Arbeit blieb auch auf meiner Festplatte und wurde nicht freigegeben. Ich arbeite weiter und suche nach Wegen zur weiteren Verbesserung des Systems. Ich glaubte, dass ich nicht viel Platz für Verbesserungen zu finden, aber ich war falsch. Einige meiner ursprünglichen Annahmen waren falsch und werent in der Praxis bewiesen. Das ist, warum der zweite Teil wurde erstellt und das System wurde viel weiser mit etwa 90 neue Seiten hinzugefügt. Sie können all dies für Ihren eigenen Nutzen nutzen Sie wissen, warum Seine so einfach wie dieses: Sie haben die Fähigkeit, meine Meinung verfolgen und sehen die Fehler und die Entwicklung meiner Gedanken sowie mein Verständnis von Sportwetten. Jetzt besteht das System aus zwei Hauptteilen und hat 270 Seiten einfach zu verstehen und zu lernen. Sie erhalten nicht nur einige gewinnende Systeme, wertvolle Kenntnisse über Geld-Management und viele andere Dinge, sondern auch Sie erhalten eine Menge Informationen für Ihr persönliches Wachstum und die Entwicklung Ihrer eigenen Systeme werde ich Ihnen jetzt erklären, was das System kann und cant do, what bankroll you should have, which sports it covers and finally today you will be able to purchase it First of all the Aikido sports betting system is a 90 technical system and 100 doesnt require you to know the sport itself. You will not need to determine a teams power ranking or analyze changes in its squad or injury reports for its players, etc This doesnt mean that generally in handicapping you dont need to do these things. Rather it means that the system is unique in the way it forecasts sports events. Theres no other system on the Net that performs like the Aikido system does Your job will consist of analyzing odds on odds comparison sites and making your own forecasts based on your knowledge of how to interpret these odds and changes in them as well as what amount of money you need to risk. Secondly you will be able to make your bets whenever you want in your free time and not when a handicapper sends you picks. You will be your own handicapper This is a very big advantage over those few handicapping services on the Net that really are long term winners and have a reasonable level of prices not 20 bucks for one 40 stars picks or 300 bucks per month. You will go on odds comparison sites like betbrain or tip-ex whenever you want and will make your own forecasts after analyzing odds from different bookmakers. On average it will take 1-3 minutes to produce your own opinion on a current event and to decide whether you have an edge over the line or not. Then it will take only seconds to calculate what money you will risk and to make a bet As simple as that Thirdly you will get a lot of new and unique information and whether youre a scalper or professional gambler it will help you to make a lot of improvements in your betting. You can believe me that even most professionals dont understand several important things in sports betting especially in terms of what the odds really mean and how bookmakers spread their vigorish (commission). Only this information costs several times more money than the whole e-book Now I will give you information on the technical parameters of the Aikido sports betting system: Soccer or tennis the most researched ones Soccer, tennis and MLB, NHL, NFL, NBA the less researched ones The lifetime bankroll is the amount of money that youre putting at risk for your sports betting investments. Simply saying, if you lost say 80-90 of your lifetime bankroll youre out of business. Actually, every day you will risk between 10 and 40 of your lifetime bankroll and this will be your session bankroll. You can start using this system having just 500 USD but I dont recommend you do it because you will have to risk more to receive an acceptable level of income. The average profit from turnover (or yield) is the mathematical expectation of your long term winning or your advantage over the line. If you make 2000 bets per season risking 1 of your lifetime bankroll on each bet, on average having a yield of 5, you will roll over your lifetime bankroll 2000120 times and may expect to receive 205100 of clear profit per year. From experience I can say that in the rare case of a winning handicapping service (90 of all handicapping services are losing and 90 of winning services have unreal pricing) your maximum yield profit over the long run in most cases will lay between 2-3 and 8-12 and you will have to pay on average 50-70 USD per month or 400-800 USD per year for this service. If you get lucky and find a good handicapper he will increase your bankroll by 50-150 per year but you will never be able to make your own handicapping because you will just be following someone elses selections You will also have to be online when the handicapper sends you your picks in order to place the bets. If you go on vacation, or you skip his tips for another reason it will be your own problem and there are no handicappers who will payback your money It can be very sad when a winning handicapper is ahead in the current month and you are down because you only skipped several winning bets. But if you purchase the Aikido sports betting system 1) you will pay much less money than you would hiring the average handicapper for several months and your knowledge will work for you for your entire lifetime and 2) you will be able to bet when you want with an amount of money determined by you depending on your own money management. If a winning handicapper is a fisherman his methodology is his net When you subscribe to a handicapper, youre receiving the fish not the net - right If a winning handicapper has a methodology useful in several sports and receives, say, 40-50 K a year its because his net is great right He can sell you the fish for 50-100 USD per month but imagine what the price of his net isDefinitely thousands of dollars Im proposing you to get a net cheaper than the average 3 month fish package I think its a real deal Give a man a fish and hell eat for a day Teach a man how to fish and hell eat for a lifetime Additionally, you will get knowledgeable free support by email as well as free updates of the e-book. You may be wondering why update the e-book First of all I am still continuing theoretical and practical research and believe that this process will not be done while I am still in this business, because there are no limits for possible improvements and also some data must be constantly updated So after purchasing the e-book you will receive as little as 1 year support and as little as 2 updates of the e-book worth at least 100 USD yearly (I have planned 2-4 updates in the year) What does it include The e-book includes: 1) 270 pages of content comprised of two parts in several sections and dozens of chapters 2) Dozens of graphs and tables (for example you will have 60. Excel tables) 3) Reviews of the best related sites 4) Lots of practical examples You will have all the required knowledge to implement this system in practice step-by-step and after you learn it you will start to make money using it. It will take you between 2 and 5 days to learn this system and if you dont understand something you will not be alone with your dilemma, I will always be there to help you Does any author of a book offer you such a package No its only possible on the Internet Summing up all I have previously said for just the 80 USD promotional price in effect until the 31st of July you will get: 1) A 270 page e-book created over 2.5 years and written in easy to understand language with no hard formulas (personally I hate hard formulas) 2) An easy to learn and apply practical system that you will spend up to five days to learn. 3) Knowledge on how to set the right money management. You will determine your personal money management strategy depending on your bankroll, targets, time constraints and comfort with risk 4) A job (or at least a profitably interesting hobby) that will take you between 20-30 minutes and 3-4 hours daily depending on your goals, bankroll and enjoyment of sports betting. You will work when you want and only when you want 5) Your own powerful forecasting system that doesnt have an equal in the world in terms of effectiveness and simplicity. 6) A winning methodology, good for several kinds of sports (soccer, tennis, major US sports) that doesnt require a knowledge of sports at all. 7) Support on a private forum or by email for life. 8) Updates for 1 year (no less than 2 updates) worth at least 100 USD for free 9) A System that proved it effectiveness in real betting so youre not a tester 10) Fast delivery this is an e-book and you will receive it within hours (or even minutes) And all that for just 80 USD I am not promising that you make millions, I am not selling this as a get rich quick scheme, I am not promising you the Holy Grail I am promising you a working system with a flat bet advantage, the best money management techniques, unique content and support which will pay for itself many times over Get it now P. S. There is no in better proposition on the Net. In Russia I have sold several portions of the information from this e-book for 100-150 USD. Note that our overall sports betting market is several times smaller than PinnacleSportss is and that average salaries are just 200-300 USD P. P.S. The only thing I am afraid of is the fast spreading of this system and that if thousands of people start using it there will be less fish for any one single person. But you dont have to worry youre among the first P. P.P. S. I dont believe that a money back guarantee is a good thing for this kind of information because its a winning system and I dont want that someone reads the info, learns the system in 2-5 days and then asks for their money back. But until I get some testimonials from new customers (despite the fact that I received great testimonials from several top gamblers who received this e-book) I have to propose to you a full satisfaction money back guarantee valid until the 31st of July. This is a one time, limited time offer and the money back guarantee will be cancelled after the 31st of July. Click here to order for an email delivery of the system. It is possible to request the documentation on a CD to be mailed to you at no additional cost. quotAikidoquot Special Offer quotAs you know I started the sales of ProBettors Day Trading SportsBetting System Aikido a week ago (July 17, 2004) through the LTW website and before you read the FAQ about this system, please take the time to read this unique offer. I realized that a lot of gamblers want to have a system that will teach them on how to bet on sports, with an easy to learn system, which has a positive mathematical expectation, such as my e-book Aikido. The problem is that they dont like to pay the price of 600, because theyre probably afraid to pay such an amount for ANY system or ANY e-book, even if its a money-making machine. Yes - I have great testimonials from top bettors and no doubt that the system is really unique. But when I put myself into your position, I understand that without positive testimonials from ordinary bettors, I have low chances to share with you my confidence at such a high price in your opinion. People hate to pay for any system or e-book 80 even if this system is the best one possible on market and the most deeply researched on technical handicapping until now. Izak and I believe that a price as low as 80 for such a product is not high, but on the other hand, I am personally in role of the system seller and also without several testimonials there will be very few sales. That is the psychology and reality of the matter. I will be launching my own website within a couple of months and also want to stimulate some future sales. Thats why Im proposing a unique deal to all of you who believe that the system works but are not willing to to pay 80, because youre under the influence of thoughts such as its too expensive or why should I pay such an amount for an e-book or because you have 1-2 K and 0.6K for the purchasing of a winning methodology will be a serious strike for your gambling budget. ONLY 15 people from all those of you who want to make constant income on sports betting can receive this system at an absolutely low price: All purchasers MUST provide as little as 200 words of testimonial/feedback within maximum one month after purchasing it (after they read and master the system). A second testimonial will be required after 3 or 4 months of usage. These testimonials will be not moderated on whether they are good or bad. I know that the e-book is the best investment you can make and you will win with this system. Thats why Im very confident and am not afraid of getting any negative feedback. If you do not provide your feedback within the two required time frames, the e-book may be disabled. This huge discount is only for those of you who really need this system and most importantly for those who will use this system in practice. As you see, there are no free lunches in this offer at all I think its a fair deal. You must write what you think about the e-book honestly and you will have to use it in practice and you will also certainly easily cover its cost. For those of you who dont want to provide any testimonials and dont want to have to do some work, we offer also 5 additional discount copies for only 60. This offer is also valid till 1st of August Your testimonials will be first published on Izaks forum. and then on my website and of course in those newsletters. No hidden catches with this offer: 15 copies for testimonials means only 15 copies and everyone will be able to see real testimonials from people you know on the LTW forum. It may be you who will take this offer (I would say the zero risk offer) or it may be your friend at the forum. If your friend or person you know from the forum will master my methodology then he/she will provide us with his opinion. And if the opinion will be good (I know it will be so) you will believe him (not Mr. ProBettor) and will be able to purchase this system for 850, the regular price but without the fear that you are purchasing a cat in the bag. So when the mountain doesnt walk to Mohammed Mohammed walks to the mountain. Its a very honest and pragmatic offer for both sides. P. S. Please, prior to your purchase, ask Izak first about the number and the kind of promotion by email: webmasterletstalkwinning. as this offer is limited. quot Frequently Asked Questions on Aikido ProBettors Sports Betting Day Trading System Q: Hello, Is your e-book based on arbitrage betting I would hope not. I purchased an e-book a year or so ago promising a guaranteed way to make money on sports betting. Yes, arbitrage is a guaranteed way to make money, but finding good arbitrage bets is extremely time consuming and not feasible for one person to track. I would hope for 600 there is something very unique, something not as time consuming as finding arbitrage wagers, as well as some sort of money back guarantee Thank you. A: If my e-book was based only on arbitrage betting it would cost up to 100 2-3 years ago now a fair price for such an e-book is about 30-4, because theres lots of of free information about this procedure on the web. Now its hard to make money on arbitrage only, because of the following three main reasons: 1) time consuming (at least 2 hours daily) 2) you need to have a lot of money (at least 5K per bet) 3) low profitability - up to 10 -15 monthly My system researched arbitrage very deeply - there are several Excel spreadsheets with thousands of arbitrage bets inside but - all these spreadsheets are just a basis to another system - Aikido. Saying quotjust a basisquot I mean quotjust a basisquot :) But actually the forecasting system Aikido is based on the research of: 1) the character of odds compiling. Coincidentally, nearly 10 days ago, I talked to the director of our domestic bookie and there were some absolutely unknown things for 80 of the professional gamblers. I was even silent about relaxed bettors. For instance, quotbetting on big favorites with the best odds on the market has a valuequot was proven after I showed it in my e-book. This information is new, unique, shocking somehow - but its not all that Aikido contains, its just a very small part. 2) the character of the overall market tendency (and yes - the system uses a deep knowledge of arbitrage but its not arbitrage itself) So overall you will likely: 1) go on the odds comparison site 2) will make your own forecast with the knowledge of character of odds compiling (such as: quotI know that this event will happen with a 20 probability. Thats why when I see the odds of450 (or 5.5)quot I will 3) place X amount of money from my bankroll using money management Y and will know what will happen over the long run And yes, from one perspective, the basics of system are not too hard, but I spent years to develop it. And I cant say that it was easy for me to have made it. On another perspective, its a really unique system. I never heard or read that someone ever developed a system that can beat soccer, tennis, MLB, NBA, NHL in such a manner. You may look at it as some sort of hedging - without being hedging itself. T this is a unique forecasting system and you will place risk bets whenever you like and wherever you like when the system tells you to do it So - its not arbitrage, its not time consuming (you can work at it from 30 minutes to several hours daily) and its very unique. In some angle, its a split between certain things bettors cant explain and even authors of deep research cant explain - like favourite-longshot bias or why you can earn money on all odds - from shortest to longest or how bookmakers calculate value in reality and why. I hope I answered your question but if you have additional questions - please dont hesitate to email me. Q: Hello again, I think I understand what you are touting. Im sure your last letter will explain expected results, but let me ask you, if I paid 600 for the system and I had a 600 bank left over, how long would it take, based on your research, to recover my investment of this program Also, is there any sort of guarantee I personally have not paid this type of money for a system, and if I did, I would like some assurances that this is worth my time and money. Vielen Dank. A: Your question is great, thank you Somehow I am trying to say what I did, but forgetting about what people like and want. So, if you will pay 600 for this system, I think that it will be not good to have a bankroll of 600, I am more then sure about it. You wouldnt want to spend half a year or even a year paying money on the Internet just to pay for Aikido. This system is for those bettors who have over 1000 bankroll because of many reasons and even if this system would cost you nothing - I would still say that your bankroll must be over 1000. Now you received the third email with more detailed data about the performance of the system. Also I will not account on such things like transaction costs, number of bookmakers - just money and achievements. I want you to think professionally. In the real world a capper who risks more than 7-8 percent of his/her current bankroll is called a loser. You would risk an average of 1-1.5 of your bankroll on each bet and your bankroll would be more or less solid. I will call it quotlow risk hobby bankrollquot2-4K (only for my system - because its not a system for fun). But with a bankroll of 600, its likely that you would risk more and could prepare yourself for a bigger drawdown in percentage to your bankroll. To make things simpler: its easier to lose 400 from a 600 bankroll than 2000 from a 4000 bankroll. So, your average advantage over the line will be 4 from the turnover and with such a low bankroll such as 600, you will consider Aikido betting as fun. I know it and will risk 3-4 of the bankroll. Thats why you will make 150 bets per month and will earn 150(3.5)4600126 and this will be some kind of an approach to it. its likely that you will not receive 126, because of low standard deviation. So having huge risks, you will spend 5 months to pay for this system. Yes - you will learn to remove money from bookies and exchanges, but the problem is that these amounts will be tiny. Going further - you consider your 600 like money you can afford to lose. You know - after you will learn the system, I can guarantee you that this amount will be increased in times, because you will understand that chances to go broke are virtually zero. This is the nature of Aikido itself - it uses weaknesses of 1) odds compiling 2) overall market laws - theoretical and empirical So you can have a bankroll of 600 just for learning and testing purposes, but with such a bankroll you will likely not pay for this system even after several months of betting (I exclude luck for sure). But consider this: first - your launch will be great. You pay for the education and the system with flat bet advantage. Second, you will have the ability to test this system on a low budget. And I am more than sure that when you realize the power of Aikido system - your lifetime bankroll will be much higher by your own wish - not because I want it. I recommend the lowest bankroll of 1000 and the optimal bankroll is 2000 and more. Also, you must note that by bankroll I always mean lifetime bankroll - its very important. I will give you one tip for thinking because youre former arber. You have arb 1.4 (1 bookie) - 4.0 (2 bookie). Zero risk situation - you will never lose But - did both bookmakers make a mistake or one of them. ) I got an email from Izak about your Aikido betting system. First, I do not know anything about sports betting and I work full time to try to make a living. So, at least for the moment, I cannot devote more than a few hours a day to undertake your methods. My question or questions are: If I spend 2 hours a day 7 days a week, how long before I understand your methods and am able to use them to actually make bets on the Internet Also, about how much start up money would I need to spread between the different bookmakers to start Also, if I have questions after buying your methods, can I email you A: Thank you for your question. This system was written from the beginning to let anyone learn it even if a person knows nothing about sportsbetting at all. You can learn this system after you read it - and then if some information will be not understood - you will just reread it and understand. I dont know how fast you read and think, but for the majority of people, 5-7 days1-2 hours daily will be enough to learn it very well step-by-step: it has easy to understand roots. And I recommend you to have as low as 000 bankroll (optimal start up bankroll is 2000-3000) and I think that 7-10 betting organizations will be also enough. Although you can use one exchange like betfair and 2-3 best bookmakers and this will be also enough for the start. By saying bankroll I always talk about lifetime bankroll - so this is bankroll with no second entry - its all money you have for the investments. The most important thing for all new buyers is that they must know: I am in sportsbetting for a long time and I already 3 years in this area. So this is not a situation when you purchase the system and do whatever you like - good bye. Absolutely not There will be updates of the e-book 2-4 times yearly and constant daily email support. 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